Monday, June 9, 2008




yes, that was what was on my mind the whole day.
its like how i felt after yf camp. :(

kite making, gossiping, running in the sanctuary barefooted at midnight, tofu durian, the crazy games, being absolutely spastic, being strangled by sammo, suaning people, being suaned by people, going to the guys dorm, debbie's "showers of blessing", going high in the middle of the night, laughing my head off during bible study, being told off by the guys cos we were laughing too loud, stuffing a banana in my mouth in 2 bites, getting a pile of tissue whacked on my leg, freaking out over jenwei's stupid dirty slipper, the indian chief, geisha, cabbera(sp?) girl, SHE-HULK, whacking jeremy's and joel khoo's knee, trying to pluck jeremy's leg hair, cleaning up the oh so dirty toilet, getting sprayed with water by joy, elyssa and joy declaring it a JIAXIAN day cos they used my shampoo, sitting with elizabeth at the ledge and talking about countless of stuff, calling audrey anofatass, going out to ask people to do surveys and getting irritated when they turn me down, laughing over the spastic games group names, blowing disgusting egg and having it blown in carey's face. and the list could go on and on....

but its ok, JTC is coming. :D :D :D
and so is class chalet! :D :D :D :D :D


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