today was like the most BORING pd i have ever done. like seriously boring till i prefer to watch a soap opera. ok, maybe not. but yeah. it was the epitome of boringness. oh gosh. i wasted 6 hours there. and i couldnt collect CIP hours! someone has GOT to pay me back the time.
and like whattheheck is qing ming festival?!?! i dont even know what is qing ming festival?!
and there were only 2 of us. being the bored people that we were. we camwhored like crazy but since i look like a absolute retard and everything. i shall only post 1 picture where i look the most decent. to show off my glamorous-ness.
it was like SO not worth it waking at 6 in the morning on a SUNDAY, walking through amk hub interchange in SJ full-u. waiting at the pickup point for 15 minutes cos the driver was late. JUST SO THAT I COULD GO TO A TEMPLE AND ROT MY ASS OFF. WOW.
moral of the story: always find out what pd you are doing before you act the kind soul and sign up.
Labels: SJ