Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Was watching this MindFreak gay shitzos thing and at first i was pretty impressed by him withstanding this weight until my dad decided to become the spoiler. So let's reveal this scheming plan of his and just spoil all the fun shall I? And what's up with all the freaking screaming and like orgasm or something. GAY!

ahem.... ok, lets start.
Firstly, the glass isnt even real. It's those kind of glass which stunt actors use, which like totally cannot even cut people. Even if they do, its only abit. And notice that how the perimeter of that blanket things has like all the big pieces of glass which IS real, while the center part is like small little bits who cannot even cut your skin. So when he steps on it and lie down, all the pain is like FAKE.

Next, that blanket thing. If I'm not mistaken, it is some high density foam which would actually like sink when the roller is like on top. So he doesn't feel that much pressure. Which also means that all those moaning and screaming and F words were like so damn fake. DOTS.

like GAY SHITZOS. i take pleasure in exposing illusionist's tricks and secrets. HAHA.

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