This movie is like absolutely the WORST movie that I have watched in my whole entire life. It's like even much worse than MAMMA MIA, which I thought that nothing could get worst than that. I'd rather watch like 5 Mamma Mia then watch this loser movie again.
And it's like supposed to be a comedy. But guess what? I didn't even laugh throughout the entire movie. Like am I supposed to laugh when the guy rolls on the floor because he is too fat? This kind of comedy is like 3rd grade comedy.
I cannot actually believe that I spent $6 on this lousy movie, and wasted like 1 hour of my life just to watch this mentally challenged.
Like seriously, this show sucks to the max man. I have no idea why anyone would like this movie. It's like the epitome of suckish! Nobody in the right mine would actualy watch this movie AND enjoy it.
Gosh, I needed to get it out from my system. Anyway, today was April's Fool Day! And my class played a prank on Miss Ng. Well, we wanted to play it on Mr Wong and Miss Rockey but both of them didn't come to school. Spoilers! But anyway, it was like really damn cool and we are like the coolest class in like the history of classes. :D
We turned our tables around so that it was facing the noticeboard instead of the whiteboard. Then we locked the front door to prevent Ms Ng from coming through the front door and spoiling the fun. So when she came in, she was like laughing cos obviously she knew that it was a prank. Then the monitor said "Class Stand", then all of us one by one stood on our table, copying this show called Dead Poets' Society which Ms Ng showed us on like Monday. And then we greeted her by saying "O Captain, My Captain", which again was from the show, then we started cheering like crazy like after standing on the table and after greeting her. And Miss Tan said that we were very noisy. Then anyway, Ms Ng all of a sudden said "Oh, I forgot to tell you all. Today have comprehension test." And like the gullible students that we were, we believed it. And then she started laughing and then we realised that we were being pranked by her. Then she said that we were going to do oral, and we all knew that it was real. But being the people that we are, we obviously say that it was April Fool's joke. So that's the end of our class joke! YAY!
But anyway, i made cards today! As in like playing cards, but not like poker cards. Cos at first we were playing poker cards, like in the corner. But because it's like illegal in school or something, couldn't play. So created our very own cards to play. Then went like RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CLASS IN THE MIDDLE THERE LIKE IN FRONT OF MONITORS AND EVERYBODY and started playing. Cos it was technically legal cos they were technically NOT poker cards. But they still were, but anyone who saw it wouldn't recognize it cos have like our own way of reading it. And then the relief teacher walked in, and all of us just like look at her while playing our cards. And then went like "Oh. Teacher here." without like panicking to hide away the evidence or anything, which was like dammit funny and cool. :D
Labels: LOL, Movies, School