Monday, June 30, 2008
never EVER go to recess with claudia and mabel with ivy yeo nearby.
and when i mean nearby, i mean near enough to see her white specs.
which would be quite far.
cos firstly, both of them would be utterly stupid and spastic and embarassing and go
"HI IVY" in this high pitch voice.
and they will repeat it until she hears it.
and next, when she leaves, they will go
"BYE IVY", practically shouting it over the whole canteen. which is utterly and completely embarassing. :/
and when shes like FINALLY gone, they will start talking about her.
like seriously, those two have a screw loose in their head.
talk about obsession. :/
and like weird and random and utterly funny things will be spilled out of their mouths which i would never EVER say.
today i was quiet. and that is SOOO strange. :/
tomorrow is HOME ECONS practical test. so going to get food poisoning.
Labels: LOL, School
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Yf 52nd Anniversary
YF 52nd anniversary! :Dit was oh so funnaye!seeing all the OLD OLD pictures of people.hahas. lucky im not up there.and i was not there that long anyway.and joetee spelled 52nd to 52th!the cake was good! :Dlana cake! :Dbasketball was damn fun! though only had me and audrey.hahas. CUT APPLE! (inside joke)played monkey with aud and jh.jh was made to do oh so embarassing stuff.like go to andrew lee and go"hi, i like doing pushups"then played captains ball for a while.bussed home. :DLabels: Church
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Open House
so happy that the weekends are here!
cos i seriously
DREADDDD school to the
open house is so
just sit down there and played all sorts of weird games with mabel.
that kiasu woman. keep on taking m&m. lols.
YF 52nd anniversary!its amazing how YF is 52 and the church is only 51. lols. :D
Labels: Church, SJ
Thursday, June 26, 2008
2W class chalet

Labels: School
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Amazing Discovery!
i just realised that yesterday was like the first time i stepped into a library since like dunno when. :D
yes, i dont read books. i only read magazines.
hahas, but i borrowed
2 books and i cleared my
$6.35 worth of library fines. :D
i feel so smart.and i got my
"NERD towards geek excellence",
"I'M WITH STUPID --->" and the pink cloud thing badges yesterday from claudia. :D
so cool. and i was wearing the
"I'M WITH STUPID --->" badge everywhere. and standing next to people. :D hahas. so
today was SJ day. yumin picked me up from home at like
6.10 a.m.there went my sleep. :/the whole school was like
pitch black. damn cool. :D
anyway, full u is like damn bloody hot can.
so i was wtf the whole time. :/
and had to wear till recess time. but mabel and i changed earlier. cos we had home econs. :D
and i never felt happier wearing my school u. :D cos it is
the new history teacher is very funny! at least better than ms lai but wdv. i pity SCGS, she transferred there. :/
i ponned maths supplementary lesson. no point going anyway. i will just sleep through the whole thing. must as well dont go. i bet ms choo is going to make me go for make up. what shit.
and sammo doesnt talk. ):
i miss mok! ): you DID NOT SEE THAT!
i shall go be a guai-kia and
read my books and do my
tuition homework.
though i ponned it again. :/Labels: Random, School
Monday, June 23, 2008
Firsty Day of T3!
first day back at school. felt abit weird when going in.
during assembly, principal announced that mr choo officially left the school. :/
so now, mrs gurung is now our new form teacher.
shes quite ok lah. not that bad after all.
and she was like,"what do you expect of your form teacher"
and mok was "choo". like lols.
anyway, sitting partner is sammo.
but since she cant leave weilin.
im sitting with grace. for now.
Labels: School
Sunday, June 22, 2008
School is Starting!
school's going to start tomorrow. :/
i havent finished all of my school work.
so die to the max.
oh, and guess what?
more than 5 of my teachers are changing.
so its going to feel like 1st day of school or something.
something is going to feel weird tomorrow.
and i think everyone will feel the same.
Labels: School
Friday, June 20, 2008
Class Chalet
thursday morning met with the people going for chalet. finished up choo's birthday present from the class. then went to the chalet. checked in. the whole class played truth or dare. was so happy cos i never kena. then played taboo. laughed over all the silly actions. decided to start preparing for the barbeque. stayed at the barbeque to cook the food for like forever. sweat like dunno what sai like that. was so darn happy when finally had the chance to bathe. choo talked to us. began playing taboo again. i own. :D went out to talk about all the stuff. went to the fitness corner and did all stupid things there. went back talk to jemie, mok, meiqi, qianyi, sabs. mok's
anagram ANALOGY of the balloons thing is kind of mind-boggling. went back to the room. did all sorts of weird and crazy things. ended up sleeping from 5.30 to 7.30. went out to zi-high but everyone was sleeping. :/ so went back to sleep at about 8.30. woke up at 9.30. tried to wake mok up. in the end, she ended up sleeping on my leg. jemie discovered her phone was lost. everyone search like crazy but cannot find.
hope that her phone can be found soon!
Labels: School
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
parents coming home soon. ):
how i wish that they never come home.
cos they made yesterday night oh so horribbbleeee and terribbbleeee.
i seriously cannot stand it anymore. i cant even get a moment of silence in my room when im trying to sleep. you want to scold her, CAN, just dont do it in the bedroom when im trying to sleep. did you all ever think about how i felt? i wasnt the one at fault, and yet im the one who has to suffer through all the scoldings. i have to sit down there and pretend that nothing has happened. do you think i like it? you guys just keep going like nobody's business. you know how many times i have thought of leaving this place and just never come back at all? did you even notice that after you stopped scolding her i went out of the room to cry? did you even notice that i was crying at all? did you notice that i stayed out of that room for half an hour, spending my time crying? you guys didnt even know, didnt even CARE. like for goodness sake, can you spare a thought for me, that im trying to sleep. just because i dont say anything doesnt mean that im fine. all i wanted was just to sleep and have some peace in the house, is that too much to ask from you all?
Labels: Emotions, Reflections
Retreat Pics pt 2
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Music Quiz!
QUIZZES!!! like finally! :D
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense.No cheating!
Name 5 people to ask them to do this! anyone can do this
5. Based on the question and the song, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
How are you feeling today?
Will you get far in life?
With You- Chris Brown
erm... this so does not make sense.
How do your friends see you?
I believe- Syesha Mercado
hahas. they believe. ;D
Will you get married?
Valentine- Jim Brickman
HAWHAWHAW!! ill marry my valentine. -.-
What is your best friend's theme song?
Purple Line- DBSK
eh, quite true. claudia likes that song.
What is the story of your life?
You must love me- Brooke White
hahahahaha. everybody must love me. :D
What was primary school like?
Innocent- David Cook
yupps. i was innocent during primary school
How can you get ahead in life?
Wait for you- Elliot Yamin
hahas. i guess i can only go far if i WAIT FOR YOU.
What is the best thing about your friends?
Bleeding love- Leona Lewis
HAHAH. so we should all bleed more. :D
What is in store for this weekend?
4 in the morning- Gwen Stefani
erm. waking up at 4 in the morning? lols.
What song describes you?
I'm alive- David Cook
hahas. true. i AM alive.
To describe your grandparents?
My Everything- 98 degrees
erm right... i only see them once a year.
How is your life going?
Lead me to the cross- Hillsong united
hahas. i guess its good? being closer to jesus?
What song will they play at your funeral?.
In this moment- David Archuleta
How does the world see you?
Mighty to Save- Hillsong United
hahas. :D i am MIGHTY TO SAVE
Will you have a happy life?
No Air- Jordin Sparks ft Chris Brown
i dont think so... since i have got NO AIR.
What do your friends really think of you?
Take A Bow- Rihanna
Do people secretly lust after you?
LOW- Flo Rida
erm. hahahaha. no link.
What should you do with your life?
hahas. i should just go O?
Will you ever have children?
Measure of a Man- Clay Aiken
what? what? what?
maybe they will be MAN. lols
1) If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
slap him, step on his foot with my highest heel, say "you deserve it"
2) If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
To be a faithful Christian.
3) What will your dream wedding be like?
quick, and not boring. lots of party! :D
4) Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
erm no. lols
5) What's your ideal lover like?
nobody's perfect.
6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving someone.
7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
1 day. no, jkjk. depends
8) If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
slap his girlfriend. jkjk. get on with my life
9) Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
10) Is being tagged fun?
eh no. i have a quiz fetish. :O
11) How do you see yourself in ten years time?
24, tall and succesful!!! :D
12) Who are currently the most important people to you?
God, famiy, friends.
13) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
hahas. black.
14) Would you rather be a single and rich or married and poor?
married and poor. so much money cannot spend with people. have for what?
15) Whats the first thing you do every morning?
take my beloved pillow and hug it.
16) Would you give all in a relationship?
17) If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
the one i love more/
18) Do you have a pet?
yeah. all the insects in my house. go figure how many.
19) What type of friends do you dislike?
if they are my friends, obviously i like them. what shit.
Labels: Quiz
Monday, June 16, 2008
the person took like so darn bloody long to come can!

and some more when come, didnt even know how much change to give me.

and i had to count for him how much he had to give back to me.

but anyway, i eat until very happy!

the smileys are cute to the max!

Labels: Random
Happy Birthday Sammo!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAMMO!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUU!!!oh yes, this post shall be dedicated to sammo cos it is her 14th birthday!yupps. 16th june is your SPECIAL DAY!!! :D :D :Dhahas. and you are scandalouszxzx.Labels: Birthday Wishes
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Retreat Pics
hahas. JOEL KAM. as SNOOPY! CUTE!!!
audrey that boob decided to jump onto me. so unglam.
daniel lee the bikini show girl. :O
audrey the CLEOPATRA. lols. :D
jenwei the GEISHA and joy the INDIAN CHIEF.

sam tan as SPONGEBOB. his banana was a nose.
and it kept on dropping. lols. :D
Labels: Church
parents fighting now.
im seriously tired of this.
i really feel like walking out of this house all the time.
i really dont feel like coming back anymore.
Labels: Emotions
JTC recap
im back from jtc.
with a sexy voice.so now, i sound like a man. and i can seduce everybody.
so lets recap what happened.
THURSreached school at 6.45. taught sec1 what to do when they are group ic. changed to full u.
FOUND OUT THAT I WAS DIC! freaked out to the max. began screaming and jumping and saying
OMG for like 5 minutes. ran to and fro from the specs stand to the basketball court. my name was pronounced wrongly when they announced that i was DIC. totally screwed up the whole thing. running when i hear DIC... DIC... 2 hours of changing parade are like totally killer. pumping on the grass and looking at the ants crawling around. getting up and realising that i have a cut on my leg. not bathing during bath time(but i did wash my hair). feeling a sense of HUGE relief when they FINALLY change duties. having triage in the night. carrying dunno how many people on the stretcher until back pain. was so happy when i finally got to sleep. having firedrills at 2 in the morning. sweat like dunno what crap shit. going to bed sweating but happy that im sleeping. sleep all the way till the next morning.
FRIwas waken up by pung at 5.45. but went back to sleep later. having pt at 6.30. changed from pumping position to crunches position for dunno how many thousand times until i injured my tail bone. hurt like #%%##$%#&% until i cried. breakfast was shiok cos had bread and jam. red badge came back had changing parade and bunk inspection. my tailbone hurt like dunno what during then but i didnt fall out though i was exempted. :/ outdoor cooking was fun! games were ok. slippers broke. went to bathe. was the last person in the whole sj to bathe. realised that i bathed faster then the sec1. campfire was abit sian cos i have sore throat so it was hard to talk and get high. went to sleep, fearing that there would be changing parade. in the end there wasnt. :/ had night walk in the end. wasnt scary at all lor. just walk around the school alond when got no lights. only glowsticks on the floor for light. was singing songs the whole time and zi-highing. maams thought i was crazy cos i was laughing to myself. sat at the rooftop and looked at the sky for like quite some time. went to canteen to eat supper. :D
SATwas awaken suddenly by ivy cos so loud. went for pt. did like 100 pumps. hand kena scratch until. had area cleaning. then had prize presentation and stuff. and i got a pack of maggi mee cos they had extra and they were giving out randomly by choosing where you sit. and i was called cos ivy coincidentally called me. so weird lah. i didnt even want the maggi mee though i eat it almost everyday. had squad interaction. funny to the max. suaning mabel is damn funny. ate a whole lot of potato chips though i had sore throat. went absolutely crazy and high and talking like a man and seducing everybody. :D last parade was ok. stayed back in school highing with squadmates and talking like a man. lugged my bags all the way home through public transport. bathed for VERY VERY VERY long and then slept for like 15 minutes then left for hub to get my ice and drink. went for yf. played captain's ball for a while. found it boring. went to play basketball with woong, chienhui, jasmine, audrey, yitao. owned the guys. :D later decided to play frisbee. went utterly crazy. went for dinner. crapped alot and somehow all the horror movies and ghost stories started coming out. bussed home and slept like a log. :D
Labels: SJ
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Movie: Narnia
yesterday was spent at TAMPINES MALL with CHARYL!!!
spent like ALOT of money. :D
and bought slippers. :D :D :D
i got black and charyl got brown. :D
NARNIA was good. :D
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO SABS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRACE TANG!!!im sick. my throat hurts and i have a headache. and i have a slight fever.and jtc is just tomorrow. :(Labels: Birthday Wishes, Movies
Monday, June 9, 2008
I MISS RETREAT!!! :(yes, that was what was on my mind the whole day.
its like how i felt after yf camp. :(
kite making, gossiping, running in the sanctuary barefooted at midnight, tofu durian, the crazy games, being absolutely spastic, being strangled by sammo, suaning people, being suaned by people, going to the guys dorm, debbie's "showers of blessing", going high in the middle of the night, laughing my head off during bible study, being told off by the guys cos we were laughing too loud, stuffing a banana in my mouth in 2 bites, getting a pile of tissue whacked on my leg, freaking out over jenwei's stupid dirty slipper, the indian chief, geisha, cabbera(sp?) girl, SHE-HULK, whacking jeremy's and joel khoo's knee, trying to pluck jeremy's leg hair, cleaning up the oh so dirty toilet, getting sprayed with water by joy, elyssa and joy declaring it a JIAXIAN day cos they used my shampoo, sitting with elizabeth at the ledge and talking about countless of stuff, calling audrey anofatass, going out to ask people to do surveys and getting irritated when they turn me down, laughing over the spastic games group names, blowing disgusting egg and having it blown in carey's face. and the list could go on and on....
but its ok, JTC is coming. :D :D :D
and so is class chalet! :D :D :D :D :D
Labels: Church
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Back from retreat!
back from retreat. (:
anyway, retreat was like COOLIOZXZXZ.
i dont remember interacting with so many people during yf.
and i slept like 10 hours in total throughout the whole time of retreat.
so i ended up on my bed once i got home.
since i cannot remember the entire thing.
i shall put bits and pieces everywhere. :D :D :D
wedget to know our groups.
and there was ice breakers.
and we had to dress up people in our group as the ones they allocated.
and joy was the INDIAN CHIEF!
and she had so many things on her head.
and jenwei was the GEISHA!
hahas. though he is like too black to be but nevermind.
bible study was like HARDCORE.
the only things that kept me alive was SWEETS!!!
games were cool.
the catapult game was fun. :D
and so was DODGEBALL.
since i was good in them.
stuffing a banana in your mouth in 2 bites is like. -.-
jiamin did in 1.
and i am so not a food monster!
oh, and the group names were, THIS ONE, THAT ONE, WHICH ONE, THE OTHER ONE.
and it was so confusing to differentiate the groups.
THURShad the "SOMETHING USEFUL" workshop.
i signed up for the kite one. :D
and there was SUPPOSED to be kevin, andrew, jenwei, jerry, terence there too.
but ended up only jenwei and i went. :/
so it was like both of us just making the kites.
but it was kind of cool. :D
then aud, danielle, sulin and carol came in.
and all of the peace just like DISAPPEARED.
so talkative lah all of them.
and carol was EXCESSIVELY being suaned by danielle.
about scandals with jenwei.
and i was having that "what the crap" look.
and that jenwei could not care less.
then later after lunch, went to fly kite. :D
i came in 2nd. and jenwei that noob came in 3rd.
and there were only 3 people.
that noob was just running around with the kite chasing him.
and he kept insisting that he kept the kite up without running for 6 seconds.
like THAT made a difference.
capture the enemy's flag. stupid andrew fu throw bomb at me.
kena wet diao.
then had the blowing game. where there is this rubber tubing.
then they put EGG inside. and you are supposed to blow.
so i went against carey. and ours was water. cos i insisted not having egg.
and i won her cos she had to take a breath. and i got no qi lor.
then kevin went against linus.
they had like 5 eggs inside.
then kevin never blow.
he just directed the hose at linus. so linus blow and the thing went onto him. :D
had human bowling.
so we were the ball and had to slide on the soapy mat to hit the pins down.
i only hit 3. embarassing. daniel lee had STRIKE. WHAT THE CRAP?!?!
mass game was fun.
had to wrap each committee member in tissue paper.
then we all bomb them.
everybody wanted my sis.
cos she was the smallest size. :/
then later started to whack them.
then andrew fu keep whacking me.
had like 3 flour bombs. and 2 water bombs.
and joel kam dunked a BIG pail on water onto me.
then cleaning up. stupid jenwei went to say.
"the tissue paper looks like porridge.
lets eat them for dinner."
and then he whacked one pile of it onto my leg.
stupid retarded ass.
then had dinner.
watched the dvd. really made me think. :D
fridayhad bible study. and the dvd thing.
then had this survey prep.
where we were supposed to go out to the public and ask them about what they thought about jesus and christians.
then had lunch.
and lucas and rachel bought "TOFU DURIAN"
funny to the max!
the survey was ok lah. went to hub to do it.
saw charyl, qihong, yorklyn, lydia thong.
they thought i was working. lols
had prayer and praise.
i really never prayed so hard before this.
and the songs were cool.
someone was abit the irritating and extra.
and kwanie has good choice in song. :D
and he leads well. :D
stayed in chapel to talk.
talked about all weird and random stuff.
then had a MINI worship.
jiamin and deb were trying to tie plaits out of jeremy's leg hair.
and doing the reflex thing.where you hit certain part of his leg and see whether his leg flies up. and i was so fed up trying to find the point then i just took the slipper and whack his leg.
and deb and jiamin made my sis sit in front of jeremy while the hit his leg and make his leg kick. hahas. :D :D :D
SATURDAYrevealed our carees.
i was zac sim caree. which is pretty funny. cos i was greg's carer for yf camp.
and both of them are brothers.
and i had 3 CARERS!!
and im only supposed to have 1.
but they were nice. ELYSSA, JULIA, JOEL KAM!!!
:D :D :D they all gave me things. :D
and audrey hates me. cos i bluffed her saying that kevin was her carer.
when he was not, cos he was my sister's one. hahas. sulin was her carer.
that silly ano fat ass. lols.
and i wasnt a that nice carer. but i gave zac sim sweets.
and when i reached home. i just plonked on the bed and slept from 4pm to 10am. :D :D :D
Labels: Church
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
19th anniversary
today is my parents
i wanted them to go out for dinner but they didnt. :(
there went my hope that i would have the house to myself.
since sis went to camp cos shes in the comm.and tomorrow is
DADDY's birthday.
but i will be at camp.
so no swensen's for me. :(
and yes, tomorrow is
i will miss my pillow, my computer. :(
actually, i can use the computer.
cos my sis brought it to camp. :D
so tata for 4 days! :D
and when i come back,
i shall teach everyone how to make a kite.
:DLabels: Birthday Wishes, Church, Random
Monday, June 2, 2008
Cool Poem
God hath not promised skies always blue
Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through.
God hath not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe.
He hath not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.
But God hath promised strength for the day
Rest for the laborer, Light for the way.
Grace for the trials, help from above
Unfailing sympathy, undying Love.
Labels: Church
sweaty, sticky, muscle-aching, and
FULL.drills in the morning.
do until like crazy. almost collapsed on the floor after it.
but i wont be so stupid to do that. so i collapsed on the railing.
went to swensens with yumin, her mum and her sis. :D
it was
and i was SUPER HUNGRY!! my stomach was growling every few seconds.
so i ate alot. :D :D :D
and yumin and her sis keep on making me laugh! :D
with the
slurping sounds they keep making.
then i laugh like CRAZY!!! and i looked like i was going to laugh till i cry.
went walk walk while yumin's sis went to cut her hair.
went to the LEGO shop. solved the rubiks cube they had there.
decided to go to the photo shop and print pictures of siloso beach. :D
i look like
snowman next to those two
black carrot cake. :D
hahas. nice comparison. hahas. :D :D :D
went to get my magazine which i wanted to get for so long.
but kept on forgetting. :D :D :D
nobody at home now. :(
sis is preparing for retreat!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Movie: What happened in Vegas
watched vegas with joan, yumin, and beng. :D
movie not bad. but the cinema was DAMN FREAKING COLD!
saw carol there. :D
went to vivo. while beng and joan were looking at books in PAGEONE
me and yumin were like... looking at VCDS.
and realising how many movies we didnt watch. hahas.
yumin's one almost fell off when she tried to lick the ice cream.
met tess. joan went home. went to SENTOSA with yumin, tess, and beng.
me and yumin left our footprints there. :D :D :D
and there were a few RA movies going on.
miss G-STRING, the making out couple.
and my boyfriend. MR BALLOON MAN. hahas. :D
and my leg was restless. so i began to dig the sand.
and i dug up the coconut tree root. and broke part of it off. ;D
then went to the arcade there.
played POOL. :D and im PRO.
i can hit in the balls. :D :D :D
and i didnt know how to hold the stick. holding it in all weird positions.
and stupid yumin and beng keep on taking pictures. cos it was simply HILARIOUS. :D :D :D
then play the hitting game. i owned. :D
and then the racing. i owned once. the other time. was erm.. failure. hahas. :D
and the motorcycle game is like lame shit.
foosball was fun. :D like roasting SATAY!!! :D
took picture at the siloso thing..
korean tourist help us take.
and then we take for them. their poses CHAO act cute. hahas.
yf was combined. the message was kind of cool. uncle peter abit the animated.
then had to split into age groups to discuss. abit the whole group was like bishan. cos we have like 6 people. and gardens had 4.
then later the person who came last week to talk about bible study. come again to close. and i wasnt paying attention. cos like learn before. and abit the sian.
later the peeps had church camp briefing. and since i wasnt going. went to rot while deb and jammo was jamming. aud and carey came. went crazy and did utterly crazy and spastic things. like playing DODGE SLIPPER.
went for dinner. had like loads of spare time left.
so me and deb decided to eat ice cream and went to the arcade.
played the hitting game again. hahas.damn funny. :D
then decided to play the drums. so we each took one stick and started to play.
and we found the song which we used to keep playing. :D :D :D
bussed home. was being uttery stupid and random.
and DEBBIE can spell!!! although not in the good way.
like when she said my name was BIMBO. >:(
all the stupid and lame stuff came up.
hahas. :D
Labels: Church, LOL, Movies, Siloso
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