Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Rainbow after a Rain
There is always a rainbow after a thunderstorm.Somehow, that saying doesn't seem to really apply to real life huh. So I guess it's those random fairy tale happily ever after endings which never do happen. And here I am, stuck in kindergarten, wishing that things would just go back to normal. But then again, what is normal. Back to what we were before, pretending to lead a happily life when some of us are just crying inside? For what, to make everyone know that we are normal and a bunch of happily ever after fairytale characters?
Words said never made such an impact onto me. Sentences just keep repeating and repeating over in my head and no matter how hard I try to fight it off, it just doesn't seem to be working. It just chants over and over again in my brain, and it makes me think and think and think, it makes me feel as if I have been wasting my time all this while.
And I know I haven't been the bestfriend to you for these past few days. And yes I mean you, and you know who you are. I thought it was easy to stay in the centre, being on good terms with both sides but it's not as simple as I think. I guess my human nature just makes me drift off course again, and I seem to underestimate my feelings. I always thought I could manage to keep a clear head, no matter what the scenario, take a step back, see the big picture. But at times like this I feel like a little kid, unsure or anything to do at all. But yet, at times where I'm alone, I manage to see the big picture. Subconsciously, I remember how you stood up for me, sacrificed for me and all that I can do is just this. And I feel really lousy. It might be too late to do anything now, I don't know. But at least there would be pretty memories that I can take with me.
And now, all that I can do is just to pray that things would work out, somehow.
Jesus, take the wheelTake it from my handsCause I can't do this on my ownI'm letting goSo give me one more chanceTo save me from this road I'm onJesus, take the wheelLabels: Emotions, Reflections
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Word of the Day: Holloywood.
If you can't spot the mistake, then you're dumb. Like it's quite obvious eh? Guess who spelt it..... The Oh-so-Magnificent(though not as magnificent as me) Leong Yan Yi. Smartness spelt Hollywood as Holloywood. Such wonderful spelling!
Ok, I'm supposed to be at tuition now or at least studying for chemistry test, which is tomorrow. But the inner pig in me is acting up right now, refusing to get my big fat blob of an ass off the chair. Oh well, I still HAVE to go for tuition anyway. Cos I'm the Kumon Baby(as according to mag). LOL.
Beatrice the future America's Next Top Model or better still, the cover girl of FHM.
She is DEMURE and FEMININE. WOW. Such potential model qualities within her.
Labels: LOL, Random, School
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ben&Jerry Free Cone Day
Today was Ben&Jerry Free Cone Day. So being the typical Singaporeans that we were, of course we just HAD to go down there and get a free scoop. But sadly, we went to United Square which was seriously FLOODED with people. Practically the entire floor was filled with people(well, mainly students). So we decided to "flaunt our wealth" and BUY ice-cream instead of queueing up like aunties at a hawker centre, just to get that miserable amount of ice-cream, though it is free. And my sister got 3 cones of ice-cream cos she went to the one at the zoo! Next time must be smarter, go to the ulu-ulu places. They should open a Ben&Jerry at Pulau Ubin or something. That should be ulu enough.
So here are the pictures! Ok, tilt your head 90degrees to the left/right/up/down(my sense of direction sucks) cos I'm simply too lazy to rotate all of them. Careful you don't get neck cramps though.

Cabby! You so hungry till you have to eat your spoon? I know you have
metal teeth braces but still!

Esther, the potential of a sales person advertising plastic spoons!

Me, being the retard that I am. I look constipated! Gosh!
Sophia! Stop playing peek-a-boo! So childish!

Mabel is acting baby! Okay, maybe because she is too shy to show her teeth without her braces.
Group shot! And like one shot of the ice-cream before it's devoured by monsters us.
Mabel I can see your teeth now! Looks kind of weird. Like seriously, every time she talks or laugh or anything. I'm reminded of Charyl's teeth cos they look EXACTLY the same. So it proves that braces make you have prototype teeth! Unoriginality. And I have this urge to colour Mabel's teeth to make it seem like there's braces.
It's a roller coaster ride of emotions, reflections and everything else for the past few days. Thankfully, I have people around me who help to keep me going and all. And surprisingly, it comes from those people who I have never expected it from. The very lame lame jokes, conversations which make me laugh like a 5-year-old-kid, and random sentences which crack me up.
"Pick food court to go and eat, cos it's the cheapest. And somemore, you are buying me lunch. I'm helping you to save money."
Labels: Beanz, Emotions, Random, School
Sunday, April 19, 2009
One Way, Jesus.

Went to church today after quite some time. Message was pretty thought-provoking. Made me think about how ready I actually to defend God, how strong is my faith. And I'm glad to say that my faith is pretty strong. Though haven't been going there for some time, I sort of do quiet-time. Ok, actually its not technically quiet time cos I don't refer to the bible and stuff. But there are some questions in my head all the time questioning and doubting my faith towards God. And I've been praying. And signed up for church camp, hoping to be able to renew my faith and all the other yadayada with God.
Okay fine, my faith is not that strong. Cos now I'm damn fucking pissed and irritated. FuckTheWorld. How I wish my house would have a Black Hole right now and swallow me.
-rolls eyes like crazy-
Labels: Church, Reflections
Saturday, April 18, 2009

HOHO. My parents are now going to watch this concert! It's my mum's birthday present from me! Okay, actually it came free with the phone when I bought it. So I just gave it to my parents since I was totally not interested in it as I have no idea whotheheck this woman is.
So now, I'm alone at home and its damn freaking warm! GAH! I'm perspiring like CRAZY.
Labels: Random
Friday, April 17, 2009

Esther:"What's your problem man?"
Mugging. Well, sort of.

YanYi! Your hand is vanishing into thin air! :O

HOHOHO. My MC to leave school early!

EnQi and her bruise bruise! Now I also have. Your fault!

They were supposed to be mugging! But they JUST had to laugh.

THIS is what I mean by mugging.
International Friendship Day.

The "Attractive" prizes and Mabel's macaroni mixed fruits with mayonnaise sauce.
How. Attractive.

The "Attractive" prizes with cabby's Mango with sticky rice.
Mango yes, sticky rice NO. Big NONONONO.
I learnt something new today!
Myanmar became an independent state on 4th January 1948.
Labels: Beanz, Random, School
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Cabby: Freaky Tin's Wife! (to Mabel) Ha!
Me: Ok, I knew but just for kicks. Fuck The What! HAHAHAHAHA!
There's like this sudden obsession over BO YANG. Which is so utterly lame and not funny. DeeDumDum(name has been changed to coughcertaincough reasons) the gummy bear has been decolourised, broken into half and on the floor due to heavy torrential rains when we last checked. So here's an obituary for it.

Name: DeeDumDum the Gummy Bear
D.O.B: 7th April 2009
Characteristics: Orange, Chewy(LOL), Teddy-Bear Shaped, Being squashed in between a twine and a CD(poor thing)
Day of Death: 15th April 2009 (Saddening, only 1 week and 1 day old)
Family Members: Fellow Gummy Bears, Beanz.
Please pray for DeeDumDum the Gummy Bear that he/she/it might meet God in Heaven. In a whole body. And for it's family members that they would be able to cope with the grief of losing DeeDumDum, especially it is such a gruesome death.
Labels: Beanz, LOL
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Mummy!

I just realised that I don't have any pictures with mummy alone! ): That's so saddening. But oh well, I can take some with her. Someday. :B
Anyway, today was such a retarded/awesome/fun day! I finally got my new phone. YAY! It's like super thin. And it came with complimentary tickets to some person's concert. So I gave it to my parents since I totally don't care. See? I'm such a nice daughter! But sadly, I can't like transfer songs since my computer is so lao-kok-kok.
Mummy bought me an ELMO shirt. To fulfil the inner kid within me. She called me childish for saying that shirt was cute! I saw a woman who was dressed head to toe in PURPLE. Pretty much like me yesterday but at least I had some body parts which were not covered in purple. Mummy told me to go and ask her to be my godmother. Since we both like purple so much.
And my dad is so blur! He stood waiting at J8 for don't know where for like half an hour. We didn't even know where he was so we just went home so he was standing there. OMG! Dammit funnaye!
Me, mum & sis: -Walking home. Just underneath our block-
Suddenly, mummy gets a call.
Mum: "Hello?"
Dad:"Where are you all?"
Mum:"We are walking home already. Just underneath the block."
Dad:"Oh really? I waiting for you guys at J8, don't know where you go. You all go home already?"
Mum:"HAHAHAH. Yeah, we go home already."
HAHAHA. My dad so funny! Didn't realise that we weren't coming after half an hour. Bet he was reading his book again!
Moral of the story:"Don't read a book when waiting for someone."
Labels: Birthday Wishes, LOL
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Charyl!
You are finally 15! One more year till you can get jailed watch NC16 movies! It's been fun having a mushroom like you for a friend. And all the movies that you watched with me. Ok, actually not alot. About 3 only? And thanks for all the fun times we had. I'm not going to list them ALL out cos it would take pretty much forever. And now we are in different classes cos you went to take Romeo&Juliet and I took Hitler. So happy birthday to you and remember not to eat too much cake so that you wouldn't get fat. Your present would have to wait till....... someday.
ANYWAY, on a side note(HA! I refuse to let charyl have one post to herself). Was watching TV and David Archuleta was on and he was so retarded!
"Hello everybody! I'm David Archuleta and you are watching Prime Time Morning. Guess who is the special guest on the show later? -pauses for a moment- ME!"
Labels: Birthday Wishes, LOL
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Britney? Dad? No link.
:OMy dad is playing Britney Spears songs! XAMAGA! I was damn shocked. Halfway through using the computer, I hear Britney Spears songs blaring through my dad's laptop. Didn't know my dad was so hip eh? Especially since this afternoon when he wanted to watch 'The Golden Years' which was showing on Channel8. Gosh!
Not bad, not bad at all. My dad is starting to catch up with the 21st century. After 9 years, FINALLY some progress. Though still abit lag, but not bad, have improvement. Ha!
Red Flesh Imp bag! Burnin Hot! I wanna buy!
-hints to claudia to go with me and buy bag. AGAIN-
Labels: LOL
Friday, April 10, 2009
Lesbian Alert!
Went out with Claudia today to buy my new school bag. Which is PURPLE with POLKA DOTS! :D HAHAHAHA. Which is like gay shitzos but I'm gay anyway? :O
But now, I feel like buying the RED one from Flesh Imp(or whatever spelling). Though I prefer the orange one, but since Beatrice has that. I shall not act copy her and buy the red one.
I bought gay and bimbotic stuff too! OMG. I cannot believe I actually did that. My parents were making fun of my froggie necklace! ): Apparently, I'm engaged to the other person who has the other frog? OMG! I turned LESBIAN! :O :O :O nah, just kidding only.
Labels: LOL, Random
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Adam Lambert THE bomb
Watching American Idol on Channel5 right now. Results show, though I already know who's going to be out but heck. And Adam Lambert was THE BOMB! I didn't watch his performance. But it had to be great for Simon Cowell to actually give him a standing ovation, since the only few times Simon does give a standing ovation is when the winner of American Idol is crowned. Other than that, I don't really remember him standing up and all. So yeah, who cares if Adam Lambert is gay man. He is damn awesome!
Labels: Random
Angels or Devils
Angels or Devils- Dishwalla
this is the last time
that I'm ever gonna come here tonight
this is the last time - I will fall
into a place that fails us all - inside
I can see the pain in you
I can see the love in you
but fighting all the demons will take time
it will take time
the angels they burn inside for us
are we ever
are we ever gonna learn to fly
the devils they burn inside of us
are we ever gonna come back down
come around
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold
this is the last time
that I'm ever gonna give in tonight
are there angels or devils crawling here?
I just want to know what blurs and what is clear - to see
still I can see the pain in you
and I can see the love in you
and fighting all the demons will take time
it will take time
the angels they burn inside for us
are we ever
are we ever gonna learn to fly
the devils they burn inside of us
are we ever gonna come back down - come around
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could break us
if I was to give in - give it up
- and then
take a breath - make it deep
cause it might be the last one you get
be the last one
that could make us cold
you know that they could make us cold
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold Pretty cool song. Though it sounds kind of emo and stuff, and the band does look emo. But the lyrics are meaningful, well at least to me that is.
Pick-up lines are SUPER cheesy! Almost made me gag today.
"Is your father a terrorist? Cos you are the BOMB!"
"Life without you is like a broken pencil. It's pointless!"
Charlyn doesn't like guys with chest hair! HAHAHAHAHA. So any guy who likes her should go and get their chest hair waxed. :O O.U.C.H.
Labels: LOL, Random, School
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Weird Conversations

It's so amazing how random conversations can be. Take yesterday and today for example. Yesterday, we started to talk about tattoos and in the end had a debate on whether tattoos were good. Something like the euthanasia discussion thing going on.
And today, we first started talking about pads for weird absurd reasons, then it somehow moved on to tampons, and then it somehow linked to the sec3 leadership camp which we would be going in a month's time. Then we started talking about the cemeteries which were near the campsites, and started about finding toilet partners to with in the middle of the night.
Then chinese, we started talking about class chalet. And it linked to a discussion on whether to watch horror movies during the chalet. Then it somehow linked to the movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop. And we were arguing on whether it was good or not. Then we started talking about horror movies again, saying whether American horror movies were better or Japanese ones were
better. And talking about how lame horror movies were at times.
Then we would start talking about the food stash at my table there. That the food was getting boring. And we need to buy more fresh new stuff to eat, like MACS. But that loser enqi don't want to help me buy! ): Anyway, I bought more food today. And it's going into the "corner of the classroom which is flooded with food and jiaxian's rubbish". HAHAHAHA
Labels: Random, School
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Went to support artistic gym today. It reminded me of my primary school gym days. HAHA. But it was seriously a waste of my entire afternoon. Like from what I have seen, I don't think that st nicks can actually win this thing. Like SERIOUSLY, the skill of their movements are not that great and they don't actually execute their moves that well. Just taking a look at NYGH, RGS, SSS & SCGS. And you think that St Nick's gym team sucks lah. Those guys are trying high difficulty moves and stuff, and all that we do is like what. Cartwheel on the beam and then somersault off it? There was only one person who was up to expectations. Giving more difficult moves and actually doing it well.
So if St Nicks get like 5th position. And everyone thinks that its very good, it's not. Cos there are only 5 teams? LOL.
Monday, April 6, 2009
98.7 comes to St. Nicks

98.7fm came to our school today. Kind of cool. But the thing is, they came to talk about our bodies, pads and tampons. Like whotheheck sends DJs(Rozz and Desiree) to come and talk about this kind of stuff? And I thought that they would come and talk about more cool stuff. Disappointed.

Anyway, Rozz was pretty cool, well at least cooler than the other DJ. And just look at that tattoo! It's like just dang cool for crying out loud! Sorry, I have this thing for tattoos. HAHA. But not those kind of disgusting dragons and rubbish which look so totally ah-beng and totally trying to act cool. -rolls eyes-
Anyway, on another note. Beatrice & Mag suck! Cos they so cleverly went take chops and chopped my FACE, TWICE. And my hands like gabillion times. And they almost got my blouse. Like they are ANIMALS I tell you, animals. So like my hand has like blobs of green on it now. If I get skin cancer, it's all their fault.
Labels: School
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Went to church today. Like finally after more than a month or so? Okay, abit is 2 months never go. But message was meaningful today. Made me think about my faith as a christian. The amount of time that I have been actually spending with God for these 2 months when I didn't go to church. And I realised it was pretty little, though not like never. But oh wells.
Good Friday Musical! Saturday Saturday! Hahahaha. It's supposed to be Good FRIDAY. But it also shows on Saturday. So I'm going after YF. :D Yes, I'm going back to YF after a like gazillion gabillion years. :D
Saturday, April 4, 2009
drained.Sometimes, your best just isn't enough. Just really tired right now. And it's not just physically. Life is just this vicious cycle going round and round again. Gosh, when will all the drama stop? Enough is enough. This game has got to stop now. All those fake masks have got to go. It would sooner or later anyway. It's just a matter of time. The toughest mask would wear and tear over time. And all that's left is just the ugly truth.
Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm feeling like really JELLY now. Especially my fingers. Playing more than half an hour of Word Challenge takes the blood out of your fingers. Like I'm serious. And it's not like broken rounds. It is half an hour of the SAME game. Really tiring! Hands were like spasming after playing. HAHAHA.
Bleah, daddy took the mouse away from my comp.So now I keep putting my hand like where the mouse is and it's NOT THERE. Happened more than 10 times already. GAH! And now I have to reach my hand up to the upper part of the table to scroll from the mousepad! Gosh!
I'm really sleepy now. Tired out. Shag.
Labels: Random
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can't draw for nuts? Draw 3.
Quotes of the day:
"Jia Xian can't draw for(four) nuts, she can draw three nuts"
"Cute is
BIG head,
SMALL body."
Labels: LOL, Quotes
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
O Captain, My Captain

This movie is like absolutely the WORST movie that I have watched in my whole entire life. It's like even much worse than MAMMA MIA, which I thought that nothing could get worst than that. I'd rather watch like 5 Mamma Mia then watch this loser movie again.
And it's like supposed to be a comedy. But guess what? I didn't even laugh throughout the entire movie. Like am I supposed to laugh when the guy rolls on the floor because he is too fat? This kind of comedy is like 3rd grade comedy.
I cannot actually believe that I spent $6 on this lousy movie, and wasted like 1 hour of my life just to watch this mentally challenged.
Like seriously, this show sucks to the max man. I have no idea why anyone would like this movie. It's like the epitome of suckish! Nobody in the right mine would actualy watch this movie AND enjoy it.
Gosh, I needed to get it out from my system. Anyway, today was April's Fool Day! And my class played a prank on Miss Ng. Well, we wanted to play it on Mr Wong and Miss Rockey but both of them didn't come to school. Spoilers! But anyway, it was like really damn cool and we are like the coolest class in like the history of classes. :D
We turned our tables around so that it was facing the noticeboard instead of the whiteboard. Then we locked the front door to prevent Ms Ng from coming through the front door and spoiling the fun. So when she came in, she was like laughing cos obviously she knew that it was a prank. Then the monitor said "Class Stand", then all of us one by one stood on our table, copying this show called Dead Poets' Society which Ms Ng showed us on like Monday. And then we greeted her by saying "O Captain, My Captain", which again was from the show, then we started cheering like crazy like after standing on the table and after greeting her. And Miss Tan said that we were very noisy. Then anyway, Ms Ng all of a sudden said "Oh, I forgot to tell you all. Today have comprehension test." And like the gullible students that we were, we believed it. And then she started laughing and then we realised that we were being pranked by her. Then she said that we were going to do oral, and we all knew that it was real. But being the people that we are, we obviously say that it was April Fool's joke. So that's the end of our class joke! YAY!
But anyway, i made cards today! As in like playing cards, but not like poker cards. Cos at first we were playing poker cards, like in the corner. But because it's like illegal in school or something, couldn't play. So created our very own cards to play. Then went like RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CLASS IN THE MIDDLE THERE LIKE IN FRONT OF MONITORS AND EVERYBODY and started playing. Cos it was technically legal cos they were technically NOT poker cards. But they still were, but anyone who saw it wouldn't recognize it cos have like our own way of reading it. And then the relief teacher walked in, and all of us just like look at her while playing our cards. And then went like "Oh. Teacher here." without like panicking to hide away the evidence or anything, which was like dammit funny and cool. :D
Labels: LOL, Movies, School
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